How much is being invested in your area?
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Uttlesford: £0.08

In 2013/14, arts, museums and heritage were funded from two local authorities.

Top tier: Essex *
Yearly net spend per person: £0.83

Second tier: Uttlesford *
Yearly net spend per person: £3.56

That means your local authorities invested:

£0.08 per person, per week on culture

The national average is 16p

Bottom Top

Take action and contact your Local Councillors to ask them if they are going to safeguard local investment in culture.


Here are a few ideas about what you might say to your local authority.

  • Say you are writing to them in connection with the 50p for Culture campaign.
  • Mention the survey and the results, e.g. in a recent poll of adults in the UK, 63% said they thought local authorities should be investing 50p or more per person per week to support arts, museums and heritage in their area.
  • The current average in England is just 16p.
  • Mention that you appreciate the investment your local authority area is making in culture, e.g according to information publicly available, for the year 2013/14 the entire local authority budget per person per week for arts, museums and heritage in your area was £0.08.
  • State that as a local voter you are disappointed that your local representatives have been allocating a sum which you feel is inadequate to support local arts, museums and heritage and feel they could do more, even in these difficult economic times.
  • Make clear that you’d like them to commit to increasing support for non-statutory cultural services.
  • NB: Make sure you include your name and home address so it will be clear that you are a local voter.

It would also be helpful to send a copy of your message to us

And finally - ask your friends and family to join the 50p for Culture campaign and write to their local representatives. Send them an email with a link to this site encouraging them to take action.

* There are a few authorities, like Bath and North East Somerset, that use income from their cultural assets to support other areas of cultural provision. As the official figures that are quoted are for net expenditure by local authorities (excluding expenditure funded by admission charges, ticket sales, additional grants, etc.), the actual level of support for culture by these authorities is not shown by the statistics.

Top 10 Areas

Rank Area £pppw
1 City of London 70.68 Top 33%
2 Middlesbrough 0.55 Top 33%
3 Exeter 0.53 Top 33%
4 Kingston upon Hull 0.44 Top 33%
5 Manchester 0.42 Top 33%
5 Eastbourne 0.42 Top 33%
7 Norwich 0.41 Top 33%
8 Cheltenham 0.40 Top 33%
9 Leicester 0.39 Top 33%
10 Liverpool 0.38 Top 33%

Bottom 10 Areas

Rank Area £pppw
309 Wealden 0.01 Bottom 33%
309 Adur 0.01 Bottom 33%
319 Huntingdonshire 0.00 Bottom 33%
319 Selby 0.00 Bottom 33%
319 Bath and North East Somerset 0.00 Bottom 33%
319 Forest of Dean 0.00 Bottom 33%
319 Isles of Scilly 0.00 Bottom 33%
319 North Somerset 0.00 Bottom 33%
319 Wigan 0.00 Bottom 33%
319 Wokingham 0.00 Bottom 33%
See all results